Thursday 22 May 2014

How to step out of being average and move to perfection


Perfection is the product of years of struggling, imperfection, mediocrity and mistakes. It also means being entire, complete, or excellent.

People tend to scare away from becoming perfect, they escape with the phrase “nobody can be perfect” while someone can actually be. It is not impossible, it is farfetched but not out of this world.
Jesus spoke his disciple telling them “Be you perfect, even as your father who is in heaven is perfect”(Matthew 5:48)  
Is he a soothsayer for him to tell you to do what is not possible? Is he insane? It cannot be, because he was a discipler with results, he was totally successful in his field so for him to tell you to be prefect was because he has seen the possibility in becoming perfect.
Mediocrity is the act of being average, not ahead or below, just in the middle. This is a great danger to perfection. It should not be overlooked.
A thief could start stealing from coin to cash, from cash to cheque, then eventually armed to the bank, you can see he is actually growing in what started from the cradle, he is said to be becoming perfect in his stealing, same goes with a liar. A liar lies from the start with fear but as time goes on, he doesn’t even think before he lies, it has become part of him. So likewise perfection is possible.
What is stopping you from becoming perfect? Why can you not be complete?
 IT IS BECAUSE WE ARE HUMANS. That is pure mediocrity.
“It is human to err and it is God’ to forgive” like we would say but he said become perfect.
When God created you, he made you perfect. You are made wonderfully (Psalm 139:14)


Great men are born out of great challenges. Without a failure, there will be no aim for success. The intensity for perfection would not be actualized except there is a stain of failure.
If you are not failing, you are not growing. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is temporary detour, not a dead end road.
Edison failed several times before he perfected modern electric lamp. The average man would have quilted at the first failure. That is why there are so many average people and only one Edison. I would rather fail in a cause that will ultimately succeed than succeed in a cause that will ultimately fail.
People are not remembered by how few times they failed but by how often they get up from it and try again. Don’t fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things.
Look at what you have left and not what you lost. THE WORD FAIL IS AN ACRONYM OF FIRST ATTEMPT IN LEARNING. If you won’t take the risk of failing, then perfection and success shall be far from you.
So aim for perfection in your life style, career, business, family, attitude, and whatever your hand finds to do. DO NOT SETTLE FOR MEDIOCRITY, WHEN YOU CAN BE MORE THAT PERFECT.
It is time to overcome our worst fears and take a bold step at becoming perfect.
Samuel C.A. James

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