Monday 12 October 2015

Why people climb higher than the others?

Many will intreat the favour of the prince: and every man is a friend to him that giveth gifts – Proverbs 19:6 

What do you do when you hear people talk about you? Are you the type that tries to be a friend to everyone that comes around you? I've come to discover that people who go farther in life are people whose vision and purpose is the first ever thing they pursue after not regarding any comments from Dick, or Tom;

Talking to my boss, she said after her nursing education in somewhere in Enugu state, she decided to go to Abuja in search for a Job. She knows no one there save a girlfriend of hers but the urge to go was there, she persuaded a colleague to go with her, and they both work in a clinic and paid #18000.

This colleague's mum was against it, and insulted my boss saying "are you not thinking about marriage, is #18000 not enough for you?" They got angry and still got to Abuja without the colleague and she squatted with the friend in Abuja, in no less than 2months she got better Job, that was how her status changed, just because she followed her heart.

I'll tell you what happened to that colleague that didn't go with her, she got married and divorced within one month. The mum thought marriage is the last bus stop for girls, but unfortunately the daughter's life just started losing value.

Follow your dream, forget critics, do not let it get to you, by the time you do that stuff you had always wanted to do but afraid, when you do it 3times or more people would know you for it and you would be a BETTER you.

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